FIRST - Improving Security Together

Corporate Executive Programme

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Ian Cook\nPentest Limited

Ian Cook is one of the few truly internationally recognized and respected leaders in the field of Information Technology Security and a well-known security research and Intelligence analyst. He is currently a Security Evangelist at Pentest Ltd, a privately held specialist security company headquartered in Cheshire, UK, where he is responsible for the development of products and services for the security and intelligence market.

Ian recently joined Pentest Ltd after a one year sabbatical at Cogenta, an exciting startup company that developed Intelligent Open Source Monitoring Tools for collecting data from the Dark or Hidden Web. Prior to Cogenta, Ian held senior technical and management positions at Saudi American Bank, Citigroup, and more recently at Merrill Lynch where he setup a Cyber Intelligence Unit that pioneered the application of Government intelligence procedures in the corporate sector to predict future security risks and enable security managers to better target their security resources and make more effective strategic decisions.

His current research interests are looking at ways in which good intelligence procedures can be applied to the corporate sector to better enable senior management to take strategic decisions and in developing tools to automate open source monitoring and harvest information from the Dark Web.

Ian is a long-standing active member of FIRST, is currently on the Steering Committee and is the main driver behind the FIRST Best Practice Guide initiative. Ian is also a member of the Skybox Security Technical Advisory Board and sits on the Academic Board of ISSPCS - a global and open certification scheme for Information and Systems Security Professionals.
