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General Dynamics Fidelis Cybersecurity
Trend Micro
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Network Sponsor
Google Thailand
Connect with FIRST

Do you have specific questions? Please send inquiries to

Direct line to conference office:
+1 312 646 1013

Direct mailing address to conference office:
FIRST Conference Office
219 W. Chicago Avenue, Suite 300
Chicago, Illinois 60654

Connect with FIRST
CPE Information
  • By attending the FIRST conference (main sessions), you have an opportunity to earn up to 26 hours towards (ISC)2 certifications and up to 23.5 hours towards ISACA certifications.

  • The FIRST Conference Office will supply (ISC)2 a final conference participant lists for reference and as a courtesay to participants that submit their certification numbers.

  • Attendees are responsible for submitting/checking their online accounts for credits.
(ISC)2 CPE Calculation
  • One CPE credit is earned for each hour of attendance (or one session).
  • The FIRST Conference qualifies as Group "A" CPEs. Group "A" credits are given for completion of activites which relate directly to the information systems security profession.
  • Calculations below are based on the maximum number of sessions you can physically attend minus lunches and breaks.
Main Conference Sessions Education & Training Committee Meeting
Monday: 7 hours Saturday: 6 hours
Tuesday: 7 hours Sunday: 3 hours
Wednesday: 5 hours Total: 9 hours
Thursday: 5 hours
Friday: 3 hours
Total: 27 hours
  • Speakers/Presenters/Trainers - CISSPs can earn additional CPE credits for preparing courseware, lectures, or training materials. Please contact (ISC)2 directly to add these credits. The FIRST Conference Office will supply (ISC)2 the speaker/presenter/trainer roster along with a copy of the final program.

    Contact (ISC)2 , visit their website to locate a certification and education office near you. Click here for more information.

ISACA CPE Calculation
  • One CPE credit is earned for each 50 minutes; total minutes should be divided by 50 and rounded down to the next quarter hour.
  • The FIRST Conference is considered a non-ISACA professional education activity/meeting.
  • Calculations below are based on the maximum number of sessions you can physically attend minus lunches and breaks.
Main Conference Sessions Education & Training Committee Meeting
Monday : 6 hours Saturday: 7
Tuesday: 6 hours Sunday: 4
Wednesday: 4 hours Total: 11
Thursday: 4 hours
Friday: 2 hours
Total: 22 hours
  • Speakers/Presenters/Trainers should contact ISACA directly. The FIRST Conference Office will supply ISACA the speaker/presenter/trainer roster along with a copy of the final program.

Visit www.isaca.org or contact the certification department at:

Certification Department
3701 Algonquin Road, Suite 1010
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-3124 USA
P: +1 847 660 5660
F: +1 847 253 1755
E: cpequestions@isaca.org