Profile Deactivation on FIRST Portal

As FIRST continues to steadily grow, we face the need to keep our directory and team rosters updated. To accomplish this we will be working to ensure that accounts registered on FIRST Portal are actively being used and encouraged to be kept updated.

Moving forward FIRST will be sending user notifications to all users with a profile, twice per year. The first batch of these notifications will be sent after the conclusion of the AGM eVoting period. User profiles inactive for greater than 12 months will be deactivated. Efforts are also under way to reduce the number of duplicate user profiles and to improve the roster view for team representatives.

We greatly appreciate your assistance with this effort by logging into your account and keeping your contact information up to date, and for team representatives to keep their rosters current.

Some updates will take place at the next annual conference in Montreal.

Published on FIRST POST: May-Jun 2023